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Lee-Anne Germanos (College Class of 2007) takes a stand

By 15 September 2021October 25th, 2021No Comments

LEE-ANNE GERMANOS AND LEANNE BERGER (College Class of 2007) take a stand on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide



Lee-Anne and Leanne both took it upon themselves, in collaboration with, to hand over their petition to the Office of the Presidency. They managed to collect a whopping 28 000 signatures.

On the Instagram site of The Embrace Project (ZA) the following was posted: “The petition asks the President to account to South African women, and explain why there appears to be a lack of political will to eradicate GBVF (Gender-Based Violence and Femicide). Women’s Month has seen more women brutally and senselessly attacked and murdered”.

UPPA is proud of our Old Uplander Ladies who took this stand against injustice!
